The Little Things
The Little Things are everyday items that are usually an afterthought but have an impact on everyday life. Things like our external hard drives, where we back everything up so if our laptop was stolen or broken (both have happened) we don’t lose all our documents and images. We spent full days shooting and at the end of the day after I wiped the memory card from the camera to make space for the next day we realized we hadn’t copied all of the content off it after all (real story 🙁 ). Now we never erase content from our memory cards and instead once a card is full we keep it safely in our SD Card Case and move on to a new card. The horror stories go on, and we have learned from these hopefully, you won’t have to go through them because you read this page and learned from our experiences. Click the associate image for each product to be redirected to Amazon for more details.
If you have some favorite little gadgets you think we should try please let us know, we are always looking for new items to help out.